Wednesday, December 23, 2009

And the Peace Corps Says...

Note: This video might take some time to appear. If you don't see it yet, click here.

When they learned that our placement was in Albania, our friends Lori and Stuart sent us the video above. We had to update a few lyrics, but now this song is in our heads for life!

The Peace Corps sent us a 3/4 inch packet about what comes next, and here is what we know (and don't know):
  • We are the 13th group going to Albania.
  • Our expected departure date is March 17, 2010.
  • We will fly to Philadelphia (maybe Washington, D.C.) for a 2-day "staging." This is where we'll get the necessary vaccinations for overseas travel, meet fellow members of Group 13 going to Albania, and board a flight crossing the Atlantic.
  • Once in Albania (we'll probably arrive March 19th), we will spend 3 months in intense training - local customs, language immersion, etc. We'll live with a host family, but I'm not sure where.
  • Right now, we do not know which part of Albania we will be living and serving. We should know our location midway through our 3-month training. Don't worry, Richie and I will be placed together. As soon as we know where we'll be, we'll send our mailing address, and we'll patiently wait for those care packages. =)
  • Our service lasts 27 months total (this includes the 3-month training).
  • We are the most nervous about learning the language. Albanian (known as shqip) is challenging, but we have been practicing with our Pimsleur CD every day. If all else fails, I know I have perfected these two phrases: "Unë flas vetëm anglisht" (I only speak English) and Unë nuk flas shqip (I don't speak Albanian).

When you have time, we encourage you to look at the following links:

This is the Wikepedia page on Albania - a brief, but valuable synopsis of what this country has been through. Click here to read it.

Benefits of Volunteering -

Our Health -

Our Safety -

Staying in Touch with Us -

A big thanks to everyone who has sent Albania related links. We have been researching, but haven't found everything there is to find, so keep them coming! We are excited to see you so excited about our journey to Albania - and your support means more to us than you might imagine. Send all the questions you'd like. Your curiosities might be ones we haven't thought of yet!

We have decided not to commit to a blog for the Peace Corps, but we do promise to send updates when we can. We are unsure of internet access while in Albania, but we are certain to have pen, paper, and at least one working hand. In preparation for this, we'd like to update our address book. When you get a chance, can you please send me your mailing address - and your email address just for confirmation.

Mirupafshim! (Goodbye!)


Anonymous said...

Love the video!


Michele and Richie said...

It is a great video. All credit goes to Lori from BYS. We sing it ALL the time!
